Doug Ford continues to make cuts to many of the services that we access including health care, social services, education and libraries and it is important that we all stand together in opposition to these cuts. Legal Aid services have also been targeted and thousands of people depend on these services to help them in their day to day living.
Please join us on Monday June 3rd for our Stop the Cuts Town Hall Rally at the Finlandia Hall from 1pm-3pm. It’s so important that we work together to stop the cuts to legal aid which will impact front line service. As many of you are aware Kinna aweya legal clinic provides free legal services to those living in poverty; people who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford legal advice. Their ability to provide these services could be greatly impacted as a result of these cuts. Let’s work together to ensure that this doesn’t happen.
Please see the attached poster, share with your networks and post at workplaces.
Thanking you in advance and looking forward to seeing you there!